About the

Dublin Athletic Board

Dublin Athletic Board was founded in the early 1960's under the auspices of Board Luicteas nhEireann which was the governing body of Athletics in Ireland before the advent of Athletic Association of Ireland more commonly known as AAI. The Board consists of Officers, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Hon. Secretary, Hon Treasurer, P.R.O, Registrar, Competition Secretary and Committee members. It is now known as Dublin Athletics.

All members and Officers of Dublin Athletic Board are elected at the Annual Congress which normally takes place in February.

The Board is affiliated to AAI which is the sole governing body for all athletics in Ireland. At local Club level the Board organises and regulates under AAI rules all Championship competitions, Track and Field, Road and Cross Country. Whilst the Board can establish its own bye-laws to ensure the smooth running of events rules and regulations as set out by the National body are applied.

The aims of the Board are to foster and promote all athletics at Club and County level for Juvenile, Junior, Senior and Master athletes. Cross Country Championships for Juvenile, Junior, Novice, Intermediate and Senior athletes are held during the season. Teams and athletes from these Championships are then entered in Provincial and National Competition. This also applies in the Track and Field and Road sections.

During the track season starting in April the Board holds a Graded League for Track and Field Athletes of all standards. Here athletes have the opportunity to compete in Track and Field Competition with other Athletes of equal standard.

All the Officers Committee and helpers to run the business of the Board are volunteers who give their time and expertise free of charge for the benefit of the athletes and the sport.

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